Tagged: bow sight

My Wife’s First Bow

My Wife’s First Bow

As you all know, I am extremely addicted to bowhunting and am not looking to change that haha! Sharing the outdoors and my experiences with those close to me, like my brother J and...

Our New Setups

Our New Setups

Learning Archery Part 3 The first two seasons of our journey to learn archery and bowhunting left us searching for answers to a few gear questions. Time to buy new setups! My brother J...

Our First Bow

Learning Archery Part 1 In Alberta, the general rifle season for the majority of the foothills (300 series) and prairie areas (100 and 200 series) WMUs (Wildlife Management Units), is quite short, lasting usually only a month (November). This...

Navigating the Retail Experience.

Okay….. So you’ve made the conscious decision to learn a new skill and take up an exciting new hobby but you likely don’t have all the required tools just laying around your house. Here...

IQ 7 Pin Bow Sight

In my second season of hunting I decided that the best way to maximize my time in the field was to take up bow hunting. After doing little to no research (the theme of...

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